Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Inaugural Blog Post

As the first post of this, my new and really first blog, this post probably will be slim on content, but should give a decent idea of what I plan to do with this bad boy. Not that I expect a lot of people to be hitting this up, but if you do come across this you should at least get a mission statement so to speak. In my head I'm planning to update this thing a few times a week at the very least, hopefully everyday. I also want to have certain days that have a theme every week, but what you should know in coming to this is that you're going to be getting a blog mostly dealing with video games, namely World of Warcraft. With that said, don't be surprised if you get some weekly posts on sports or music as I plan to keep this thing semi well-rounded.

So now that we have a mission statement so to speak, let's get down to the nitty gritty, what you should and shouldn't expect from this blog. First, don't expect some expert theory crafting. As my name says I'm not going to come out claiming to be the best Hunter or WoW player in the world, but I will attempt to give you the funnies and maybe a different perspective than what you usually see in people who make blogs. Now I'm not a complete Huntard and I know my class fairly well, but I'm no BRK and that's fine, we need the casual players to go along with the hardcore. So if you're looking for a blog for the casual player you've come to the right place. Next, this isn't a WoW blog even thought I spent the past few sentences telling you about Warcraft. While there will be quite a bit of content on WoW, don't not take a look because you don't play because I'm fairly well-rounded on games and other things and will try to give my viewpoint on many different games. And finally, come in here ready to have a good time. I like to laugh and try to make people laugh so hopefully you can come in here and get some good info as well as a bit of a chuckle.

So with the rules done let's get to blogging! Hopefully this thing can do what I want it to and maybe at least one person out there will enjoy it.

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