Monday, January 10, 2011

Minecraft Monday - January 10th

Well, it unfortunately happened again. I was working on my library late one night when I got up to use the bathroom and flipped the switch on my surge protector with my foot. After losing my world for the fifth time I decided to look around on the internet and see if I could get it back. I found some promising things and decided to try one of them. It said if I saved my world to the desktop, deleted all the other files, reinstalled Minecraft, and then dumped my World1 file into the correct box my world would be there. So far I've yet to find my world in the this new world and I'm starting to think I'll never find it again. This is good and bad because it will give me a chance to try and do a Let's Play of me starting up a new world and building whatever I can. However, I've bought quite a few new games over the break (thank you Steam Holiday sale for being awesome) so I'm going to give it a bit of a break before I try to start over. Today's update is going to be a little shorter because the BCS Championship is on and I'm going to write a reflection slide show on it for Bleacher report since I haven't posted an article since before Christmas on here or there. That was basically due to laziness, but I also just didn't want to write anything after I lost my Minecraft world. Look out for tomorrow when I talk about one of the greatest games I've ever played, that comes straight from Japan. Well, sorry about the lack of new pictures, but get ready for, hopefully, my new video channel soon.
See ya later, some time, same place.

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