Monday, December 13, 2010

Minecraft Monday - December 13

Since last week I just gave a text run down of my house I thought I'd go ahead and use some pictures to get an idea of what I'm doing as well as give myself something permanent to look back on. By the way, if you're playing Minecraft and can't figure out how to take screenshots you just need to press F1 to take away your HUD and then hit F2 to actually take the screenshot. Then just go look under the "screenshot" folder and voila, you can keep a visual record of your world. Anyways let's get this thing started.

This first shot is the outside of my house. You can see the beginnings of an obsidian chimney there on the left hand side of it. Also you can see my papyrus farm in the foreground...more on that later.

As promised here's a picture of my papyrus farm. It's not too huge, but it gives me almost a full inventory of papyrus when I go to collect. It's also not really that nice looking, but it's just there to serve a purpose. I might tidy it up a bit later, but for now I have bigger things to attend to.

Here's three pictures of the three main rooms inside my house. The first is my main hall/dance room, complete with smiling pumpkins and a jukebox/CD holder combo. The next is my treasure room, it's pretty basic, but something every Minecraft player needs. The more boxes you have the more you can sort out your junk.The final picture is my furnace room. I haven't counted up how many are exactly in there, but it's over 100...some might call it excess I call it just right.

This one is a little hard to see, but it's the walkway over to my smallest mine shaft. It doesn't really serve a purpose, but I just think it looks kind of cool. As a side note, that cobblestone you see is a monster room that was exposed and only a few feet away from my spawn point. Needless to say I died almost instantly upon first entering the world.

This is a series of pictures of Mine Station Number 1. The first shows off my Pyramid Sky Light, my own version of the X-Light 9000 from the popular X's adventure series. The next is a view from the top of the shaft that shows off my hard work and my river of obsidian that my chimney will come from. The final picture is an area I dug up to the left of the shaft with lave water falls. I've been digging out at the bottom of my shaft in hopes of finding Diamond. So far I've only hit 4 nodes, but I'm hoping digging 6 blocks up from the bottom in all ways will greatly enhance my Diamond stores.

Here's my final picture. This is the beginning of my personal library. The structure is 55 X 55 blocks, which means that it takes about 3,025 blocks to fill up the middle. Just this first foundation took me an entire Saturday. With the holiday coming on I'm hoping to get it finished soon.

Well, that's all for my world for this week. I'll keep updating my progress every Monday so check back to see how far I went. I'd also like to mention that Notch will taking the game to Beta on December 20th, so if you want to buy you have to do it now if you want to get it on the cheap and get every update from here on out for free. I'd strongly recommend doing this because even if you don't know if you love this game yet, an update he puts out might hook you on it and if you don't buy it now you'll have to pay extra for that update. Just something to think about. That's all for today. See ya some time, same place.

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