Monday, December 6, 2010

Minecraft Monday - December 6

With the arrival of my new desktop (which is amazing by the way and everything I ever dreamed of as an eighth grading playing Diablo 2 until the wee hours of the morning) my Minecraft playing time has hit an all time high. Since I had to start a new world I thought I'd just start doing a weekly post of what I was doing in the game (hopefully I'll be able to add a video version of this to Youtube, but that won't come until Christmas break when I have time to figure it out). Anyways here's the basic run down of my current housing complex in Minecraft.

When I spawned in the this new world I happened to spawn right on the coast of what I call "The Sand Desert". This is basically a huge area that's only sand with lots of cacti. Since I've already played this game quite a bit in other worlds I already had a general idea of what I wanted to do. I started out by making a little 6X6 mine shaft all the way down to bedrock, just to get some raw materials set up. That took me a few hours, but wasn't really that big of a project. Then I went out and chopped down trees until I had almost an entire inventory full of tree blocks to make into lumber. After that trying three or four days of game time I started building up my house. It only has two side rooms and one large entry hall, but each room is at least 10X10 blocks if not bigger. One of the rooms is my storage room that holds about 40 chests that are all categorized with signs. The other room is my furnace and at last count it holds right around 100 furnaces so that I can smelt cobble stone into solid stone in huge numbers. Also in that room are three chests that are completely full of coal for the smelting I do. I also built a glass walk way over to my small mine shaft. The cool thing about this is that you walk across the walkway and under you it goes all the way to bed rock. I've thinking about hollowing out the entire area under my house, just for fun. After I did that I went ahead and starting on my first major mine shaft. This one is a 20X20 mineshaft that is topped by a glass pyramid. The mine shaft isn't quite finished even after working on it for about a week and a half.

That's because I apparently dug into the biggest cave system I've ever seen. It seems like every new layer I dig down I found a new little nook that turns into a huge cave. This hasn't been bad of course because that just means that I've found tons of iron, gold, and diamond. I've been lucky in that regard because it makes my picks last longer. During this building I've also built a fairly large papyrus farm out next to my spawn point. I'm using this to get enough bookshelves to build my dream library. I'd say I have about half the blocks I need for this and should be able to finish it fairly soon. I also added a huge roof to the top of my house. It goes up above the mountain that sits next to my house and has an obsidian chimney that I hope to soon build up to the highest point of the map and make my large sign post for when I go out on adventures.

Other than that I've only done a couple of small things like making a deck by my house and things like that. I'm planning a few more projects to hopefully show on Youtube, but we'll see how that goes. Well, that's all for now. See ya next time, some time, same place.

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