Saturday, December 11, 2010

Saturday's VGAs (My 5 Biggest Observations) - December 11

(Note: I just want to point out that when I first typed the title in I accidentally typed Saturday's VAGs.)

1) I can't wait for Mass Effect 3- We basically didn't get anything too big from the teaser trailer, but teased I was. The thought of bringing the campaign to Earth is interesting, but seems a little Haloish. That said, if what I've heard about it being the new multi-player mode that makes it a little depressing. Let's be real Bioware, Mass Effect doesn't need a multi-player mode. I mean this is a game that's all about it's story and the combat is secondary. Leave the multi-player to the likes of COD and Halo; games with terrible stories that rely on their expert combat gameplay. Even if they do bring that into the new game it doesn't make me want it less. I would honestly pay the 60 bucks for this game just to see what happens to three or four characters (those being Ashley Williams, Grunt, Thane, and personal favorites), so they've basically got me into it no matter what the product looks like.

2) Blizzard gets robbed fro Best Studio- As you can see from my previous bullet point, I do love me some Bioware games, but nobody is better than Blizzard right now. Starcraft 2 took the best RTS of all-time and improved upon it in every way, thus making the new king of RTSs. That alone should've won them the award, but they also just put out an enormous expansion to the biggest game in the world, World of Warcraft. Blizzard put out two of the biggest games in the history of gaming in one year is amazing and should've given the award running away. I mean Congrats to Bioware, but they have no chance against the juggernaut that is Blizzard.

3) Neil Patrick Harris for Best Male?- I'm not saying NPH didn't do a good job as Spider-man, but this was a joke. As host he shouldn't of even been up for the award, let alone the winner. This just felt like a political thing that they gave out to give NPH more geek creed. On that note, even though I don't like Olivia Munn and think she probably fakes her way through geekdom; she has so much more geek creed than Harris and should've been this year's host.

4) No Minecraft for independents?- This was just crazy. There has never been a more popular independent game than Minecraft and it wasn't even nominated? The only reasons I can come up for this is that it's not a huge name brand among non-geeks and it's technically still in Alpha, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it was one of the biggest games of the year. If the VGAs wanted to help legitimize their awards shows they should've given this award to Minecraft and made all us geeks happy and get a deserving company some more publicity.

5) I'm going to be the blue guy in Portal 2- This one isn't really an observation, but just my opinion. Whenever I get to play some Portal 2 co-op I'm going to be playing as the blue guy...that orange guy looks like a total square.

I hope you enjoyed watching the show, I know I did. See ya later, some time, same place.

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