Thursday, September 23, 2010

Throwback Thursday - September 23rd

First and foremost I haven't been able to do much in the way of posting recently because my internet connection has been so terrible recently. Hopefully that's sorted out and I can get back to doing dailyish posts.

Anyways, on to the throwbacks. For the past few weeks I've gotten kind of bored with Diablo 2 and have moved on to some other old favorites, namely Goldeneye. My brother got a N64 for his birthday and let me borrow it for a month so my friends and I could recreate the dorm room Goldeneye battles of yesteryear. At first it was awesome because I was the only one who could remember how to play and was winning games with scores like 22-2 and other ridiculous wins. But as we continued to play everyone caught up and now it's more even which really is more fun because it's an actual challenge.

Goldeneye is such a great multiplayer game because it's a split screen you can play with your friends and, with the lack of sophisticated aiming like in current titles, everyone is on a fairly even playing field. One of my friends is a Halo god and you can barely ever kill him because he'll just headshot you from somewhere you can't even see and win. In Goldeneye he can't really do that because the aiming mechanic is so old. Really the best way I've found to play is to use the crouch mechanic and then strafe using the C-buttons. I'm sure there are more effective ways to play, but this seems to win me a lot of battles when neither person really gets "the jump".

The only thing I don't like is how easy it is to steal kills from far away with rockets. This is the bane of my existence and I'm currently trying to outlaw rockets as a playable loadout (just as we've done with Oddjob). I can't count the number of times I've had my kill stolen by some jerk with a rocket. Now I don't really care if you steal a kill with a gun because then I still have a decent chance at also killing you or getting away, but most rocket shots into someone else's firefight end up in a double kill...the cheapest thing ever.

So if you've got a chance to pick up this bad boy and give it a replay (or go buy the new Wii remake) I'd recommend it because this game mostly holds up and is an awesome time with friends.

See ya next time. Same place, some time.

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