Wednesday, September 1, 2010

WoW Wednesday-September 1st

Good evening sports fans!

As the title would suggest today we're going to talk about Warcraft, specifically what I've been doing in game during the past week. Now the school I go to is having some internet troubles, which I plan to talk about later on in the week so I haven't been able to log in very much, but when I do I've been working on leveling up two of my alts. I've been playing a Hunter since about two or three months after the game went live and have only once took a class past 20 (a terrible warrior that I quit do to getting ruthlessly ganked in STV). With the changes coming in Cataclysm though I've decided to go 1-80 with a new class to see everything before it changes. This little critter has come about in the form of a, currently, level 23 troll mage named Jofro (I let my 8 year old brother name all my bank alts...the best so far, Priesticles). I haven't been able to really get super into leveling him because it always reminds of how awesome things used to be. For instance, I can remember the days when getting a mount was a big deal and I had to save for weeks to grab my first mount at 40 (which I really got at like 45). Nowadays I get it 20 and it's not even much of a gold sink, especially with an 80 main. I'm sure that if I had to wait for 40 I'd hate it, but I still feel a little cheated in having to go through it the hard way. I also long for the days when Allies and Horde had week long (if not longer) battles in Hillsbrad. I mean these things were EPIC and maybe the most fun I've had in a PVP match (the only thing that comes close is old school AV battles that could last forever). I remember seeing hordes of Alliance coming through the field by Tauren Mill on their mounts and 50+ of us Horde were there ready to defend something that didn't really matter.

Enough of me pining for the olden days when I had to walk up a hill both ways just to get to the AH in Orgrimmar; lets talk about my other alt I've been working on. One of the main reasons I have no money in game is that I love to level up professions. I've gotten skinning, leatherworking, mining, blacksmithing, tailoring, jewelcrafting, and herbalism up to 450 on my main and its cost me a ton of money. With that in mind I decided I would finally level up my DK that was specifically made for RPing purposes for my main (something that I will hopefully delve into later). So I've been taking him through Outland and leveling up his herbalism and alchemy. I think this is the way for me to get my profession fix without leveling up different things over and over again on my main. I've also been working on my mage's tailoring and enchanting (Running old world instances for things to disenchant on my main ftw) and plan to roll a goblin rouge who gets engineering and something else (skinning or mining just for ease of use....or maybe leatherworking/blacksmithing...I can't decide, I might need more alts!). Other than working on getting these guys to max level and slowing accumulating mats with my main (skinning/mining) to help level up engineering on my goblin when Cata drops I haven't really been doing much of anything outside of the random BG.

Speaking of BGs I can't wait for the rated BGs that will come with the Cataclysm. This will be my dream as I'm not really into arena or raiding, but do love to pvp at a high level. This new game mechanic should help me out a lot in the gear portion of the game and I can't wait to get some guildies together on a semi-daily basis and curb stomp some gnomes. I'm really looking forward to the new BGs and hope they can recapture the magic that is AV. Really, there is nothing better than getting together with a healer and a few other damage dealers to get on D and ruin some Allies day. If that doesn't come to happen then I'm also fond of trying to force my team into a turtle and rack up some insane HKs...nothing makes me feel better than dropping 300+ kills in one game, especially if it involves lots of gnomes or paladins.

The last thing I want to touch on is this new mechanic we hunters have called focus. From what I understand this is going to cause my class to be much more frugal with our focus use than we were with mana. Now I'm all for making it a little bit more difficult and requiring players to hit more buttons, but how is this going to effect us on the damage meters? I'm not a fan of checking them much, but other people are and if making me take less shots causes mine to go down will they still bring me to raids? Like I've said I'm not the best player and don't do progression raiding so this doesn't effect me much, but I gotta look out for my fellow huntards. I could of missed something as to how this is actually going to work and would love for someone to explain it to me if they could. From how I've had it explained to me now it seems like we have a high chance of becoming a lower tier damage dealer. As I write this I realize that I've almost for sure missed something because there's no way someone smarter than me hasn't noticed this already, so if you know what's up then tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Anyways, thanks for reading. Tune in next time...some time, same place.

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