Thursday, September 2, 2010

Throwback Thursday - September 2nd

This themed day could easily changed based on my mood, but recently I've been playing an old, old favorite, Diablo 2, out the whaazoo because my internet is super slow and Warcraft isn't an option. This was the first game I ever really got into, spending entire weekends up in my families computer room trolling games trying to grab free stuff for my many level 90+ characters. That was the guy I was back in 7th and 8th grade; leveling up characters to 90 and then using mule characters to get them better gear by going into games titled things like "free stuff" or "free things" or "freeeeeeeeee". I'm sure most people would look down on this way of playing, but dad gum if it wasn't fun. I want to share one particular story that has always stayed in my mind even after I moved on to other games (read WoW).

So, like I said I would level guys up and then troll for free equipment so I didn't have to do a ton of work, but I would also go magic find on my sorceress, Cocourpebbles5 (yes, all my characters were named Cocourpebbles and then a number and my mules were named Cocurmule and then a number). I had everything one would need to be a good mf sorceress...a 125+ def. shako, Tal Rasha's, etc. etc. So one night I was out slapping Meph around in Hell, just completely dominating his crap until I ran into a pocket of monsters while teleporting there that I just couldn't get out of in time. For some reason I decided to put on my decent pvp gear and go after my old stuff, unfortunately I died again on the way there. This ticked me off a ton so I rage quit and created a new game to get my stuff back. Now those of you who've played Diablo will know that when you quit a game after death you get the last body you died in back. Since I had quit after dying the second time without getting my mf gear back I lost it all. Staring dumbfounded at the screen, completely disgusted at how stupid I had just been, I exited out of the game, calmly went to my computer settings and uninstalled Diablo, vowing to never play again.

Well its been quite a few years and I've grown much wiser in my time away, but I gotta say this game stands up even when you can't play online. I was able to push through Baal in a couple of days on a Druid and have been doing a ton of Meph runs to try and get some gear together to play some games on LAN with my newly obsessed roommate. I can't believe how great this game can still be; I mean there's really nothing better than this for a loot whore like myself and playing it so much over the past couple of days makes the wait until Diablo 3 comes out almost unbearable.

Welp, that's all for now. Tune in next time...some time, same place.

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