Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday Night Lights - October 8

I'm going to try something different this week since my Oklahoma State Cowboys are on TV tonight and I'm going to do a live game reaction. This means that I'll watch the game and post updates as I see fit. (Note: I missed the first few minutes of the game because I was in the shower so this technically starts nine minutes into the first quarter).

1st quarter 9:00- Okay I missed the first few minutes, but here it goes. I saw that Dan Bailey hit a 52 yarder, which is a career long. I gotta say this guy is a stud.

1st quarter 8:08- Hate to see any player get hurt, even if its for the opposing team. It's not looking like Maurice Rolle is coming back in this game. Also excuse me if I get any of the Ragin; Cajuns names wrong...I'm not really familiar with their roster.

1st quarter 7:04- Man I wish Blackmon could have played this well when Dez was here...of course Dez would've needed to not get suspended last year. Blackmon already has nine TDs this year and he should get a few more this game, especially with how often their going to him early.

1st quarter 5:56- Three screens in a row? Hmm, I don't know if I agree with this strategy, but it could work since the Cajuns blitz so often....Update: 4 screens, I think I'm going to eat my words this is working well so far and really looks like it's going to hurt the Cajuns pass rush.

1st quarter 4:46- Oh my, Kendall Hunter is one of the best running backs in the game. I don't care that that play got called back because Chelf's hold had nothing to do with Hunter getting away from all those Cajuns in the back field...Just incredible.

1st quarter 4:40- There it is folks, Blackmon's first TD and probably not the last. By my count they threw Blackmon's way 5 times in this last drive and with how open he's getting I fully expect them to go his way even more. That was a great catch by the way, he wanted the ball badly on that play.

1st quarter 4:40- Update: The announcers just said it he caught 7 balls, not sure if that was just on that drive or overall, but still a mighty impressive 1st quarter.

1st quarter 3:52- Ouch, I fully thought Mason had the first down there, but he missed an open guy and it's 3 and out for the Cajuns.

1st quarter 3:45- Spoke to soon. Zach Craig got caught roughing the kicker. You just can't do that and now the Cajuns get another shot.

1st quarter 3:31- Finally Mason completes a pass, although the pressure almost got to him and it's still not looking too good for the Cajuns.

1st quarter 2:24- I love the shovel pass when it's used effectively and Aaron Spikes just ran it to perfection. Great play-call by the Cajuns.

1st quarter end- The Cajuns look like their at least going to get three points, but I expect they'll hit pay dirt and make this a 10-7 game early in the second quarter. Let's see what happens.

2nd quarter 13:14- Wow, I've been wondering since the Wildcat was invented when people were going to start using it in all goal line situations. I mean, think about're basically running a QB sneak, but with someone who can actually run the ball. It just doesn't make sense to not put your running back behind the center and let him take a direct snap and punch it in. Hopefully this becomes the norm soon because it already should be. Anyway, real costly mistake by Craig, hopefully the Cowboys can answer.

2nd quarter 13:05- Welp, there's the beginning of an answer. What an electric return by Gilbert.

2nd quarter 12:04- Well, I was about to say you gotta love seeing those wide receivers blocking down the field, but it looks like they blocked a little too well and got called for a hold. Oh well.

2nd quarter 11:07- You just can't say enough about Justin Blackmon. That was a great catch that showed shades of Dez Bryant. In a year where there aren't too many great receivers Blackmon might be the best in the nation. For those scoring at home that's two TDs for Blackmon and a 10 point lead for the Cowboys.

2nd quarter 8:49- Mason is looking really good right now for the Cajuns and could keep them in the ball game if the Cowboys don't step it up on defense. Their pressure is just a few seconds late, but they need to get in there and hit him some to get him off his rhythm.

2nd quarter 7:38- It seems the Cowboys heard because the pass rush has gotten Mason off his game the past two plays and looks to of gotten the Cajuns out of scoring range.

2nd quarter 7:10- What the heck was Weeden thinking? That was way behind Blackmon and almost got taken to the house. You can't throw that ball...he looked like Brett Favre there.

2nd quarter 7:01- Terrible possession there, although there was a questionable no-call on that third down play.

2nd quarter 5:42- This seems to be the game of screens. I think about 75% of the play calls so far have been screens fro both teams...

2nd quarter 4:35- Jeez, you can't leave guys that open, I don't care how bad your competition is. This looks like it could be an actual game and OSU is going to have to step up if they want to win. It's now 17-14 Cowboys. Let's see if they can get some points before halftime.

2nd quarter 3:57- Crap, this is not looking good as the Cajuns just picked off a Weeden pass. I'm not going to put that on Weeden even though the stats will because he can't do anything about his man tipping a pass to the defender. Bad luck there and now the defense is in another hole and the Cajuns have major momentum.

2nd quarter 3:02- Great stop on third and short for the Cowboys. If I was the Cajuns I'd be going for it right now and it looks like they will. Good call on their coaches part.

2nd quarter 2:23- Wow, that was a generous spot, but I gotta give it up to the Cajuns for having the guts to go for it on fourth down. That had to be a little demoralizing for the defense, I hope they can get another stop.

2nd quarter :58- I'm loving that block by Spikes the Cajuns freshman RB. Even though it's not my team I got excited to see somebody out there putting his body on the line for his team. I still hope they don't score though.

2nd quarter :27- Hmm, that was some weird clock management by the Cajuns. They wasted about ten seconds instead of calling a play or a timeout and then went ahead and called a timeout. That was a little strange, but shouldn't really hurt them at all.

2nd quarter :21- This is embarrassing. The Cowboys shouldn't be losing to this type of an opponent, but it looks like they're going to be playing down to their competition as usual. I can't believe they're going into halftime down 21-17. Ugh.

2nd quarter :14- Good run, gives them a chance to hit Blackmon for a deep ball and at least three points. With their luck tonight they probably won't pull that off.

2nd quarter :08- They must be trying to play for a field goal there, that's the only way I can justify running the ball with 14 seconds left to go.

2nd quarter :01- Well, that's not too bad of a play considering they were either going to get a touchdown or get nothing with how long he held the ball. Weeden needed to get that out quickly, but getting an INT wasn't that big of a deal really, because they weren't going to kick a field goal from that far out.

2nd quarter end- Alright it's halftime and the Cowboys are down 21-17. I'm hoping they can come out and play well after getting kicked in the mouth. Weeden looked okay out there, but had a bad break with that INT, the 2nd one wasn't really a big deal, but he should come out playing better. Blackmon was playing out of his mind early, but needs to keep getting  open to help out the team. Kendall Hunter barely got the ball in the 1st half and they really need to get him the ball more. The defense needs to get to Mason a few seconds earlier and they should be okay. A turnover would be great, but they need to keep the Cajuns out of the end zone at all costs. Let's see what happens in the 2nd half.

3rd quarter 15:00- Here we go, time to see what the Cowboys are made of! Come on Blackmon/Hunter, pull us out of this mess.

3rd quarter 13:31- Nice adjustment by Blackmon. Weeden's are is a little weak, but Blackmon is playing out of his mind tonight. Also, notice that they came out running with Kendall Hunter. This is a great sign of things to come.

3rd quarter 12:24- That's what I like to see. Way to feed the ball to Hunter on the goal line and he does what he does best. Great job on that drive getting Hunter some much needed carries.

3rd quarter 12:22- Ugh, I liked the call on that onside kick, but that stinks to give up that field position.

3rd quarter 12:10- Well, I guess it doesn't stink that bad. There's that turnover I said we could use. Great job by Steven McGee.

3rd quarter 11:44- Blackmon gets his 10th catch early in the 3rd quarter. 18+ catches might not be out of the realm of possibility.

3rd quarter 10:55- Good throw and catch by Weeden and Michael Harrison. This game looks to be turning into a blowout for the Cowboys, but the Cajuns can score quick too so until the Pokes go up by another score I'm still hesitant to rule out a comeback.

3rd quarter 8:57- Ouch, that's a call that's really going to hurt if the Cajuns can't pick up a first from a 3rd and 26. They were driving for a minute there, but that hurt them badly.

3rd quarter 6:30- The Cowboys look to be well in control of this game and I think it's got to do with the fact that they've gone to the running game more, which is opening up the pass some more.

3rd quarter 6:04- Hubert Anyiam scores a TD. This is looking like a blowout for the Cowboys. They need to keep piling on the score though because the Cajuns did have a 21 point 2nd quarter so you know they can score. The defense also needs to keep stopping the Cajuns like they have been. Most importantly Hunter's got to get first downs and run some time off the clock.

3rd quarter 5:49- Crap, look what I said. The Cajuns can score quick and they just did. This isn't terrible because our offense gets the ball back to, hopefully, put up more points, but the Cajuns scoring is not what we needed right now.

3rd quarter 5:42- Apparently this game is going to come down to who can get the most kick return yards. Good return by OSU, not quite as good as the Cajuns though.

3rd quarter 2:04- Oh, I could've seen that pass interference going either way.

3rd quarter end- Alright, going into the fourth quarter we're at 41-28 Cowboys. It's looking good right now.

4th quarter 13:21- Well, we're not outta this yet. Looks like we still might have a ball game on our hands.

4th quarter 11:52- This is what we got to keep doing, getting first downs and keeping the ball away from the Cajuns.

4th quarter 9:44- Dan Bailey has a cannon on his leg. That kick was good from 60 yards. He's a god. That makes the score 44-28 Cowboys.

4th quarter 8:28- It would seem Bo Bowling doesn't like being tackled. Pretty nice return.

4th quarter 6:22- Bad choice gotta just keep the clock rolling and not take a chance when up. In other news Dan Bailey can not miss.

4th quarter 6:01- Well if that last field goal didn't seal it up then this fumble recovery did. Pretty good job in this win for the Cowboys. A little too sloppy in the first half though. Let's get some garbage stats, boys!

4th quarter 4:59- I don't know about that touchdown to Youman. I think they should just run the ball and not even bother to pass when up this much late. It's kinda like rubbing salt in the wound, but I guess you gotta get some style points after that sloppy first half.

4th quarter end- Well that's all she wrote folks. The Cowboys came out with a vengeance in the second half and got a big game from their star skill position players. Hopefully they can take this back to conference play and get a few big wins. Hat off to the Cajuns though. They played hard against a superior team and gave me a scare for awhile.

See ya next time. Some time, same place.

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